Bark&Zoom is happy to announce that we will be a drop-off location for the 2019 Brown Santa program. If you would like to donate to this annual giving program, drop off your donations of new, unwrapped toys for children ages 0-14 years and unopened non-perishable food at Bark&Zoom any time before December 8, 2019.
Travis County Brown Santa is a community service program of the Travis County Sheriff’s Office and the many sponsors and volunteers who make it happen each year. This program provides assistance to underprivileged children and their families and senior residents of local retirement centers in Travis County.
Every family will receive the following:
Holiday Meal: Turkey and non-perishable food items
Toy Box: Each child (0-14 yrs.) receives 5 gifts which consist of two toys, one bundle of books, one stuffed animal and one puzzle. The family is provided with a board game.
If you would like to make a donation of a toy or non-perishable food item, you can drop it off at:
2601 Cardinal Loop
Austin TX 78617
any time between now and December 8, 2019.
Unsure about what to donate? Here is a list of suggestions: brown_santa_donation_list .